Residents may be aware that planning permission was granted in 2022 for the demolition of the existing warehouse and late additions to the retail/office building (the facade is being retained) at Wickes. The applicants have permission (ref: DC/21/00091/FULL1) for a three to five-storey mixed-use development that includes two retail units, community use and 61 residential units on the upper floors. The plan incorporates new planting including a green roof to help with biodiversity. 

A second application is currently under consideration (ref: DC/23/02065/FULL1) to amend the car park layout, egress arrangement, provision of electric car charging points and elevational changes to the existing building. Cllr Alexa Michael has ‘called in’ the application so that it can be decided by a planning committee of Councillors in public. This application has not yet been decided, so there is still time to make your views known. If you have internet access, you can comment on the Council’s planning portal under or e-mail the planning office at You can also contact the Planning Department at Bromley Civic Centre, Stockwell Close, Bromley BR1 3UH, quoting the planning reference number.