It has come to your Councillors’ attention that Budgens, the new convenience store in Chilham Way, have been breaking the conditions of their planning permission by allowing deliveries to their store at 5.30 am. The conditions state that deliveries must take place between 7 am to 7 pm on Mondays to Fridays and 8 am to 7 pm on Saturdays.
The Council’s Planning Investigation team intend to issue an Enforcement Notice – failure to comply with conditions and a Breach of Condition Notice against Budgens.
Your Councillors support the proposed enforcement action.Cllr Alexa Michael said:
There is ample time in the conditions for deliveries to take place. Chilham Way and the surrounding roads are heavily residential, so it is anti-social and unreasonable for Budgens to receive deliveries at 5.30am when the majority of residents are likely to be asleep and expect there to be peace and quiet in the locality.”