As the year draws to a close and residents across Hayes & Coney Hall Ward join with family and friends to celebrate Christmas, we wanted to take the opportunity to reflect on 2024.
It’s been a year of change, with Josh joining the team after the Council by-election in December 2023. We have continued to work proactively every day to respond to casework, stand up for residents by introducing new initiatives throughout our community and work with Conservative colleagues at the Civic Centre to keep Bromley as London’s Best Borough.
Some of the highlights include:

  • Keeping Hayes, Coney Hall and Keston Village safe: Following Tom and Alexa’s successful re-forming of the Safer Neighbourhoods Panel, we have got to work in implementing solutions to make our area safer. We saw a Borough-wide policing initiative come to Hayes Station, which laid the groundwork for the campaign to install ticket barriers. We want to protect local residents from those who travel here to cause disruption. We saw speed humps installed in the car park behind Iceland in Hayes Station Approach to stop anti-social behaviour there at night. Currently, we are waiting for VASs (Vehicle Activated Signs) to be installed in Hayes to tackle vehicular speeding. Finally, we welcomed the installation of a hedge along Layhams Road to protect Coney Hall Rec from illegal encampments.

  • Keeping our area and Borough clean and green: Along with colleagues at the Civic Centre, we have resisted attempts by the Labour Government to concrete over our Green Belt. We were vocal in getting applications such as a battery storage facility at Wickham Court Farm rejected. We celebrated the awarding of Jubilee Parks Fund money at Coney Hall Recreation Ground which helped to fund new facilities. In addition, we welcomed new bins installed across the Ward to keep our open spaces litter-free.

  • Keeping our High Street and shopping parades thriving: As well as supporting our local businesses, we were delighted to secure funding to improve Chilham Way’s shopping parade. A new noticeboard has already been installed, with planters, benches and a village sign next to be introduced.
  • Keeping our railways and roads moving: We held Southeastern to account on a variety of issues, including disability access at Hayes Station and anti-social behaviour around the station. We also fought to ensure Transport for London (TfL) gives our area the funding it deserves. We have taken action to prevent slippery pathways on Glebe Way and restored bus stops across the Ward that had become damaged.
  • Reducing disruption from Biggin Hill Airport: We worked with local community partners to lobby for an increase in the boundaries of the Keston Noise Sensitive Area (NSA) and the introduction of the R03 runway approach that will mean fewer aircraft flying over Keston Village.
Despite difficult decisions facing Councils across the country, we’re proud to serve as part of a Conservative team on Bromley Council that continues to manage public finances prudently while delivering award-winning public services. Most importantly, we have worked tirelessly to deliver tangible, long-lasting improvements for our community that we hope residents will agree make Hayes, Coney Hall and Keston Village a very special place to live.
We look forward to continuing to work to deliver for our Ward in 2025. in the meantime, we would like to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.
With best wishes
Josh, Alexa and Thomas